If you have a question about Sussex Nature Recovery or your Local Nature Recovery Strategy, take a look at the questions and answers below.
What are Local Nature Recovery Strategies?
Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS) are ‘a new, England-wide system of spatial strategies that will establish priorities and map proposals for specific actions to drive nature’s recovery and provide wider environmental benefits’, as set out by Government in the Environment Act 2021.
As well as having a role in the planning system and directing public funding for nature recovery, LNRS will inform the delivery of ‘nature-based solutions’ for outcomes such as flood management, carbon sequestration and improvements in water quality.
What is Sussex Nature Recovery?
Sussex Nature Recovery is the shared home of the two Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS) being developed to cover Sussex. There will be one LNRS to cover East Sussex and Brighton & Hove, and one LNRS for West Sussex.
East Sussex County Council and West Sussex County Council are leading the process to develop a Local Nature Recovery Strategy for their area, having been nominated by Defra to be a 'Responsible Authority'. As the two County Councils have a history of collaboration, and to make sure their strategies align and avoid duplication, they are working closely together here.
They also share the many of the same stakeholders and other groups who provide oversight and support, such as the LNRS Working Group, Supporting Authority Group, Technical Review Panel and others.
What area will Local Nature Recovery Strategies cover?
Each Local Nature Recovery Strategy will cover an area broadly the size of a county.
48 strategies are being developed across England. Of these, one LNRS will cover West Sussex and another will cover East Sussex and Brighton & Hove.
Once the strategies are published they will join seamlesly together to cover the whole country. This is the basis of the Nature Recovery Network (NRN), a national network of wildlife-rich places. The aim is to expand, improve and connect these places across our cities, towns, countryside and coast.
Who is funding the preparation of LNRS?
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) are providing funding to support the development of Local Nature Recovery Strategies.
What are the LNRS principles?
As Responsible Authorities - the authorities appointed to lead on the development of the LNRS - East Sussex County Council and West Sussex County Council are expected to work to the following principles:
- Transparency - be able to show how partner contributions have been considered, how decisions have been made, and what the basis for them is
- Inclusivity - enable everyone with an interest to be involved where possible
- Clear communication - avoid using technical terms that may not be understood by partners and end users
What is the Nature Recovery Network?
The Nature Recovery Network (NRN) is a long term outcome we are working towards. The NRN will be a national network of wildlife-rich places. The aim is to expand, improve and connect these places across our cities, towns, countryside and coast.
Local Nature Recovery Strategies will help to drive the creation of a Nature Recovery Network by encouraging action for nature to take place in locations where this will have most benefit for biodiversity and wider environmental benefits. As action is taken on the ground and these locations become more nature-rich they will help the NRN develop and grow.
How do LNRS link to planning?
Under the Environment Act, Local planning authorities now have a strengthened biodiversity duty. This means that as part of their statutory role, they must now consider how they can both conserve and enhance biodiversity.
LNRS will help them to do this by identifying areas in their district of particular importance for biodiversity and those which could become important in the future due to their potential to support habitats and species or nature-based solutions. This information will help to inform decisions by local planning authorities which may have an impact on nature.
In addition to the enhanced Biodiversity Duty, The Environment Act specifically states that public bodies, such as local planning authorities, have to ‘have regard to’ LNRSs in their decision-making.
Given the above, LNRS will have a direct influence on local plans by providing evidence of areas across the district of importance for biodiversity and for investment in nature or nature-based solutions to problems such as flood risk, water quality, access to nature and so on. They will thus be used to inform how a local plan interprets existing policy within the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) which requires them to protect and enhance biodiversity.
LNRS and the planning system have been designed to fit together. Exact guidance is being developed but what we know now is that that the LNRS will identify where offsite Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) - which is being delivered by the planning system - would best be delivered and where there will be incentives within the BNG system to do so. LNRSs were created to be the targeting system for offsite habitat creation and improvement to meet new BNG requirements. LNRSs will not say where offsite gain must happen. Instead, delivery in locations proposed by the LNRS will be incentivised by the biodiversity metric.
We also envisage the LNRS will be an excellent evidence base for the local plan. They will highlight where habitat should be created, potentially where habitats not currently designated are playing a particularly important role locally for both nature and people, which should be protected from development, and where ecosystem services are needed near to developments.
The Levelling Up and Regeneration Act is making changes to the planning system which will lead to government updating the National Planning Policy Framework. It is likely that these updates will include more specific information on how LNRSs should be given weight in the plan-making process.
What does it mean for land identified in the LNRS?
Local Nature Recovery Strategies will identify areas that are currently designated for nature conservation (such as nature reserves) and irreplaceable habitats (‘areas of particular importance for biodiversity’). They will also identify areas to focus funding and efforts going forwards to achieve our agreed priorities for nature (‘areas that could become of particular importance’). These areas will all be depicted on the LNRS map, known as the ‘local habitat map.’
‘Areas of particular importance for biodiversity’ will map where the best opportunities to expand, recover or join up nature, and where this provides wider envronmental benefits. Areas that could become of particular importance will be identified through the LNRS process using a range of inputs, including feedback from stakeholder engagement.
These areas will indicate where action should be focused to make the greatest impact and will help inform decisions on land management. It is important to note that the LNRS does not give any level of protection; prevent alternative uses of the land; nor does it give permission to create habitat or alter land use without consulting relevant specialists, statutory consultees, or obtaining appropriate permissions.
Is regenerating soil health for growing food within the scope of the LNRS?
Soil health underpins biodiversity. While it is not technically a priority habitat for Local Nature Recovery Strategies as defined by the regulations and statutory guidance, the Sussex strategies will flag the importance of healthy soil to nature’s recovery, the pressures on soil health, as well as need for appropriate land management to restore and maintain healthy soil.
How can I contact the Responsible Authorities?
To be kept informed about the progress of your Local Nature Recovery Strategy and find out about upcoming events, sign up for our newsletter.
If you have any questions about the strategies you can also email your County Council's LNRS team:
East Sussex LNRS team
Email: EastSussexLNRS@eastsussex.gov.uk
East Sussex County Council,
County Hall,
St Anne's Crescent
East Sussex
West Sussex LNRS team
Email: WestSussexLNRS@westsussex.gov.uk
West Sussex County Council,
County Hall,
West St,
West Sussex
PO19 1RG
What is the focus on urban Green habitats and how can this strategy support urban greening efforts?
Our surveys and conversations have told us that having nature nearby is incredibly important to people in Sussex. Additionally, having access to nature has significant health and wellbeing benefits, particularly to people living in urban areas. It is our ambition to give nature in urban spaces a strong focus in our Local Nature Recovery Strategies. As part of that we will be working with all the local authorities on general greening and support of species that they can take forward through their planning process and the management of their own estates.
Those Active in Nature’s Recovery
I'm already involved in a nature recovery initiative, does the LNRS replace it?
There are a huge number of existing projects, partnerships and other initiatives actively working to benefit nature in Sussex, and we absolutely don't want to stall, stop or hamper their progress.
Your Local Nature Recovery Strategy may want to incorporate what is being done or is being considered in these other initiatives or schemes, and may even look for ways to expand them or connect them to others.
At the same time, not all local projects and initiatives may end up being reflected in the LNRS for East or West Sussex, as this depends on what priorities are identified and agreed through the full process.
Will the strategies recognise the UN 30by30 initiative? Can we locate 30by30 within each Parish so it is at a local level?
Each Local Nature Recovery Strategy is required to assess its contribution to national objectives such as 30by30. It will be up to each Parish to identify how they might individually contribute. If you are part of a Parish and have some ideas about this, please do plot them on our voluntary ‘Map your actions for nature’ mapping tool.
Landowners & Managers
Do I have to participate in the Local Nature Recovery Strategy?
No, participation in the Strategies is voluntary. Government and the county councils are keen that as many stakeholders as possible get involved so that the final documents reflect local views and priorities.
However, built into the process is the principle that all landowners have the ability to identify whether they want their land to appear on the final maps (or not).
You can be involved from the beginning if you would like to participate, but even if you can’t – there will be a consultation on the final document at which point you can let us know whether you are happy for your land to be included.
Will any one want to access my land for mapping/scoping?
No, high level LNRS maps are being created as part of the process which will use existing ecological and land management evidence.
These will help show where local or nationally important habitats and species are/were, and where there might be opportunities to maintain, improve or create these habitats and species for biodiversity or for wider environmental benefits such as flood management, cleaner water or carbon sequestration.
We do not anticipate that detailed mapping of your land will be needed but your views are key to help ground truth the evidence that we’ll have.
If you have information about your land that you think would be useful for us to know, please do email your respective county council at: EastSussexLNRS@eastsussex.gov.uk or WestSussexLNRS@westsussex.gov.uk
How does the LNRS fit with existing agri-schemes and incentives?
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG):
There will be a clear link between LNRS and BNG. [BNG is an approach to development, land and marine management that leaves biodiversity in a measurably better state than before the development took place. From February 2024 it will be a legal requirement that most developments will need to deliver a minimum 10% BNG, if not onsite then offsite.] The LNRS will show where opportunities for nature’s recovery will have most benefit and so will help to direct BNG funding.
Agri-environment schemes/Countryside Stewardship:
Our understanding from government is that involvement from landowners and managers in the LNRS could lead to ideas for entering into agreements. There is a good link with Landscape Recovery, and we believe further links with these schemes are to be developed in more detail by DEFRA. We will keep you informed on this as more information emerges from Defra.
Investment in natural capital:
LNRS can help to identify local ambitions for nature-based solutions which can help to address issues such as water quality, flooding, carbon storage, access to nature etc. It will do this by identifying priority areas for trees, wetlands and other key habitats which can play a useful role in providing these wide benefits and could then be funded by public or private investment.
I'm already involved in a nature recovery initiative or scheme. Does the LNRS replace those?
No! There are lots of great nature recovery initiatives already active in Sussex, including farmer clusters, 'Wilder' programmes, Weald to Waves, Landscape Recovery programmes and the Farming in Protected Landscapes (FiPL) scheme to name just a few, and we do not want to stall, stop or hamper their progress.
Your Local Nature Recovery Strategy may want to incorporate what is being done or is being considered in these other initiatives or schemes, and may even look for ways to expand them or connect them to others.
At the same time, not all local initiatives may end up being reflected in the LNRS for East or West Sussex, as this depends on what priorities are identified and agreed through the LNRS process.
How do LNRS fit with ELMS?
Local Nature Recovery Strategies and ELMS share an overarching goal: to improve our natural environment and build resilience into our landscapes for nature, people and planet.
While there’s as yet no specific link to ELMS, Local Nature Recovery Strategies will help direct future effort and funding into those areas where actions will have the most benefit for nature. Once up and running, we expect LNRS to inform future funding opportunities from a range of public and private sources.
Taking part in your Local Nature Recovery Strategy is an opportunity to help influence this process. And to do so collaboratively with local stakeholders and decision makers across sectors and districts. Having gone through a collaborative process to help identify priority areas for action, LNRS will be a useful resource on which land managers can draw to inform applications for funding, particularly those looking to undertake more spatially targeted action, such as Landscape Recovery projects.
As LNRSs come online across England, government will explore how to align funding initiatives and the strategies. For example, by considering how projects can support LNRS delivery.
Where possible we will also look to align the language used in the Sussex LNRS with that used in ELMS so that any links to funding are as clear as possible.
How binding on Landowners and managers will LNRS be?
The LNRS process seeks to involve as many local stakeholders as possible, to collectively establish the priorities for nature’s recovery at the county scale, identify potential actions that could be taken to deliver them and where this would be most beneficial.
These actions need to be realistic and achievable, so we will be asking Sussex landowners and land managers to tell us what opportunities they see on their land, and working with them to understand how these might be delivered and supported through action and funding.
While the actions captured in our LNRS will be practical and have been identified and shaped by those who manage the land, they won’t be mandatory. Rather, they will help to direct funding and effort where these will help to deliver priorities. Landowners can also opt out of appearing on final maps, both during the process and in the final public consultation phase.
Local Nature Recovery Strategies will also be reviewed every 5 or so years in order to revisit priorities and proposed actions to ensure they remain achievable and ambitious. This first LNRS is therefore just the start of an ongoing process of collaboration with landowners to identify and adjust priorities for nature as time goes on.
How do LNRS work for tenants?
Tenant farmers, like landowners, are already doing a lot for nature in Sussex. Those who work the land also have the best understanding about what opportunities exist to improve, maintain or create habitats and support key species in their vicinity. Because of this we’re really keen to hear from land managers and tenants as well as landowners as part of the LNRS process.
Taking action for nature can be difficult for tenants due to the contractual nature of their tenancy agreements. However, this is being recognised by government. In May, Government made a commitment to ensure tenants are at the heart of plans to improve the rural economy. Recent changes to SFI include enabling tenants to apply without landlord consent and to sign up to shorter, three-year agreements which can be ended without penalty.
So, in Sussex we want tenants to be part of the LNRS process and to help identify how they can play a role. This is the first iteration of LNRS so we will learn as we go about the experience for tenants; it may be the case that future iterations of the LNRS will provide even more opportunity for tenants to get involved.