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'Show us what nature means to you'

Creative prize draw for 5-17 year olds.


Rather than tell us their views on nature in Sussex, we invite 5-17 year olds to show us what nature means to them by taking a photo, drawing a picture or writing a poem in response to one of four statements.


Individuals can submit up to 5 photos, drawings or poems. They will be entered into a prize draw for the chance to win one of ten £25 Post Office One4all Gift Cards (accepted in over 170 brands in-store and online). 

Head over to the Youth prize draw page to find out more, and see all the entries submitted so far in our gallery, including those below. 



A stunning photo of a barn owl by Oliver, 6 in Arun (photo taken in Pagham Harbour)



A fab drawing by Louie from Adur & Worthing of the butterflies and birds near the River Adur