Watch the County-level webinars to find out about our progress to date, and what you've told us via our surveys.
On 10th and 11th June 2024, the Sussex Nature Recovery team held two webinars. The first covered East Sussex and Brighton & Hove, and the second West Sussex.
These hour long sessions featured:
- Insights about the rare and special habitats and species found in each County.
- What residents have told us is important through our surveys (what they love, what really concerns them, and what they'd like to see in the future).
- How each Local Nature Recovery Strategy is developing.
Plus, inspiring examples of action for nature being taken locally, with representatives from organisations and community groups including Weald to Waves, Sussex Youth Rangers, Lewes Swift Group, Wilder Ouse, Sussex Ornithological Society, Wilding Waterhall and Greening Steyning.
We had a great turn out on each night and lots of excellent comments and questions in the chat. If you didn't get a chance to attend, or you'd like to watch again, the recordings are now available.
East Sussex and Brighton & Hove webinar
West Sussex webinar
If you'd like to find out more about the great work of our featured case studies, many of whom offer volunteering opportunities and other ways to get involved, check out the links below:
Weald to Waves:
Wilding Waterhall:
Sussex Ornithological Society:
Sussex Youth Rangers:
Wilder Ouse:
Lewes Swift Group:
Greening Steyning: